

Baton Rouge:

Louisiana Art and Science Museum




The Paul and Lulu Hilliard University Art Museum (University of Lafayette - The Ambassador Jefferson Caffery Collection)

collections displayed as temporary exhibitions


New Orleans:

Middle American Research Institute (M.A.R.I.) Physical Collections (School of Liberal Arts - Tulane University)

? not on display

Collection contains the coffin and mummy of Djed-Thoth-iu-ef-ankh, a 50 year old priest and overseer of craftsmen in the temple of Amun in Karnak. A "funerary mask"; actually a part of the innermost cartonnage  also berlongs to him. A second mummy belongs to an anonymous female of 15 years old. Another coffin belongs to nother female
mummy named Djed-Mut-iu-es-ankh, who was unwrapped and dissected in
Philadelphia by Gliddon. Her skull is in a collection at the University
of Pennsylvania’s Penn Museum.  Another "funerary mask"; again part of the cartonnage of the innermost coffin belongs to the Philadelphia mummy.



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