


Naturkundemuseum Kantonale Mittelschule Uri

1 on display Anonymous mummy of a child from the Roman period.



Museum Appenzell

1 on display Contains an Egyptian Sarcophagus.



Ägyptologisches Seminar der Universität

? on display Comprises mainly the former Fraser-von Bissing collection property of the Antikenmuseum which is in storage at the University. Also contains a donation from the Bleser collection. Objects consist mostly of scarabs and scarabeoids; amulet moulds (depot of the Biblical Insititute of the University of Fribourg) and two shabti's.
Antikenmuseum und Sammlung Ludwig 600 on display
Museum der Kulturen (=Museum für Völkerkunde) ? on display Some coffins and mummies.
Schweizerisches Sportmuseum Basel

1 on display Wooden spoon in the form of a female swimmer.

Basler Papiermühle

? on dsiplay

A number of objects from the Museum der kulturen is on display here including a fragment of a pillar from reign of Merenptah, a statue of a baboon and some ostraca.

Universitätsbibliothek Basel


4 hieratic papyri



Historisches Museum Bern

409 (70 on display!) Collection not on display during temporary exhibitions! Coffin of a priestess of Amun... Local Finds: bronze statuette of Isis-Fortuna, bronze bust of Serapis, bronze Osiris statuette.



Municipio di Brissago (Town Hall)

1 on display Mummy of the lady Ta-sheryt-en-Imen from the Ptolomaic Period.



KulturSchloss Burgdorf

70 (55 on display) Sarcophagi, canopics, mummies, toilet articles, a pectoral, amulets, scarabs and shabti's.



Musée de Champagne

72 (62 on display) 5 funerary figurines, a bronze mirror, 2 funerary cones, ancient weights, some statuettes, 11 amulettes, 3 oil lamps and some other objects.



Musée des Beaux-Arts

40 not on display Stone, ceramic and bronze statuettes, funerary figurines, wall elements, amulettes, scarabs, oil lamps and a papyrus fragment.



Rätisches Museum

32 not on display Mummy and coffin, falcon mummy, fragmentary mummy remains, 3 bronze statuettes, a funerary cone, 2 shabti's, 9 scarabs, 7 amulettes of gods, 2 rings in faience and beads.



Kunstmuseum des Kantons Thurgau

not on display Amulettes and scarabs, wall elements, mummies and mummy fragments.



Bibel+Orient Museum

11.265 (only a few on display) Visits only by appointment for the majority of the collection. Only a few objects are on display: Amulettes, scarabs and some bronze or ceramic statuettes of gods.



Musée d’Art et d’Histoire

5.260 (450 on display) Thematic presentation, nearly all catagories of objects are represented. Nearly all the objects of the Musée Cantonal des Beaux-Arts of Lausanne are incorporated in the presentation. Local finds: Anubis statuette, fragmentary oil lamp with head Jupiter-Ammon, Isis crown from a bronze statuette, stone block with head of Jupiter-Ammon.
Musée historique de la Réformation et Musée Jean-Jacques Rousseau 1 on display mummy label
Cologny; Bibliotheca Bodmeriana 10 on display Book of the Dead (several), 3 mythological papyri, lintel, relief, wooden statue (OK), cylinder seal (SIP), stela (SIP), cube statue (NK), relief (LP), statue lion gosddess in bronze (LP), relief (Saite Period), vases, Fayum Portrait, silexes, foundation plaque in silver (Ptolomaic Period), canopic vase, stela (Saite Period).
Pregny-Chambésy; Musée des Suisses dans le Monde 1 on display Fragmentary Rameside stela.
Musée Barbier-Mueller 67 not on display Palettes, stone and ceramic recipients, shist knives, 10 vases from Ok and MK.
Musée d’Ethnographie 100 not on display? Amulettes, beads, oil lamps, 10 funerary figurines, 4 predynastic palettes, falcon statuette, a fragmentary mallet and a silver pendant of Shabaka.

Bibliothèque de Genève

? not on display

Book of the Dead papyrus in Hieratic and Hieroglyphs from Memphis 26th Dyn. 3 demotic / greek papyri. Lead plaque with magical text and depiction.



Château de Gruyères 1 Hand of a mummy.



Museum Herisau 5 not on display Authenticity of the objects is doubtfull.



Musée de Design et d'Arts Appliqués Contemporains   Collection J.-E. Berger.
Musée Cantonal d'Archéologie et d’Histoire 1.249 not on display 331 neolithic silexes, 6 mummies, 452 amulettes, 134 wall fragments, 91 funerary figurines, 7 stela, 3 papyri and several oil lamps.
Musée Cantonal des Beaux-Arts not on display The most important objects are on loan at the Musée d'Art et d'Histoire in Geneva.



Museum Aargau: Schloss Lenzburg 350 not on display Figurines of gods, scarabs, mummies and sarcophagi.



Kantonsmuseum Baselland 9 not on display 2 funerary figurines, 3 bronze statues, a ceramic recipient, a stone recepient, an Ibis head, a wall element.



Museo Civico e Archeologico 10 not on display 5 scarabs, a plaquette of Thutmosis III, bronze amulet, amulet of Taweret in faience, head of a figurine in baked clay and a funerary figurine in faience from the end of the NK.



Musée d’Histoire et d’Artisanat 30 not on display 7 bronze statuettes (gods), a hand of a mummy, two bird mummies, decorative objects in bronze, 3 funerary figurines, wall elements and amulettes.



Musée d’art et d’histoire

  Only coins.
Musée d’Ethnographie de Nêuchatel - MEN 570 (100 on display) Funerary material; two coffins, several mummis human and animal, canopic vase, cat coffin, animal figurines, vases ceramic and stone, statues and statuettes, numerous funerary figurines, 6 stelae, false door (OK), wooden statues (OK), models (MK).



Historisches Museum 46 not on display A stela, 3 ceramic recipients, 5 statuettes, 2 scarabs, 11 amulettes, a votive stone axe and some other objects.



Fricktaler Museum 1 (not on display?) Hand of a mummy.




22 (15 on display) Vase in gabro and gold, stone vessels from the first dynasties, relief 5th dyn, relief Pabasa (Saite Period), bronze statue of a falcon (Saite Period).



Musée de Saint-Imier 25 not on display? 8 funerary figurines, a necklace and 15 amulettes, a linen fragment from a mummy.


Sankt Gallen:

Historisches und Völkerkundemuseum (Sammlung für Völkerkunde)

400 (77 on display) Papyri and ostraca, Satue of a female offering bearer (MK), amulettes, scarabs, 4 bronze statues, shabti coffer (TIP), 5 funerary figurines (NK-LP), Fayum portrait, vase (OK), stela (NK), 2 Ptah-Sokar-Osiris statues, Statue of the god Shu-Heh, anthropoid coffin 21th dyn.
Stiftsbibliothek 1 on display Mummy and (double) coffin of Shep-en-Aset, a woman from the 25th dyn.


Museum zu Allerheiligen not on display? Lid of a coffin and some other objects.



Museum Schleitheim 1 not on display? Mummy of a child in a coffin from Ptolemaic period.



Bally Schuhmuseum

? on display Numerous sandals. Rest of the collection has been dispersed, a part is now held at the University of Zurich.



Musée Cantonal d’archéologie 31 not on display Amulettes, wall fragments, scarabs and six funerary figurines, 4 vases.


Solothurn (Soleure):

Kunstmuseum 50 not on display Two vases (predynastic and NK), an offering table (OK), relief (NK), 4 Ptah-Sokar-Osiris statuettes, 3 bronzes (Osiris, Harpocrates and an uraeus), 4 perfume bottles, numerous amulettes and some scarabs, fragment of a coffin (TIP). The former collection of of the Naturmuseum is also held here; crocodile mummy, some amulettes, 3 funerary figurines from the LP, a relief from the 5th dyn.


La Tour-de-Peilz:

Musée Suisse du Jeu

26 on display 2 dice in faience (Ptolomaic), 10 senet pieces (OK-TIP), 4 anthropomorphic game pieces in faience, 9 glass game pieces (Roman Period).



Musée historique du Vieux-Vevey 70 not on display Bronze statuettes, shabti's, scrabs, amulettes, necklaces, a mummy mask, a painted panel, stone elements and a sarcophagus from the TIP.



Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen (Naturmuseum)

1 on display a mummy

Münzkabinet und Antikensammlung der Stadt Winterthur

>30 not on display? 14 funerary figurines; 5 funerary masks in wood (TIP and LP); 10 scarabs, some bronze objects, baked clay and faience

SKKG (Stiftung für Künst, Kultur und Geschichte)

200 not on display Coffin lid, cartonnage fragment, 2 fragments of rectangular coffin a statuette of Anubis.



Musée d'Yverdon et Région

400 (50 on display) Mummy, Book of the Dead, oil lamps, scarabs, jewelry, amulettes, toilet articles, Ptah-Sokar-Osiris statue, 4 stone statuettes (late MK).



Archäologische Sammlung der Universität Zürich

700 (not) on display When there are temporary exhibitions the Egyptian collection is not on display. Objects from nearly every catagorie.
Museum Rietberg Zürich ? not on display 3 OK reliefs, statue of a couple (OK), Cat coffin (Saïte Period), mummy mask, cartonnage fragment.
Landesmuseum Zürich 12 not on display Authenticity is not certain. Recipients, statuettes in bronze and baked clay. Local finds: a ceramic head of Jupiter-Ammon; a bronze oil lamp from the Ptolomaic Period (on display).
Tierspital (Universität Zürich) 1 The animal hospital holds a mummy of a dog.
Kulturama 6 on display

A mummy and some funerary goods are on display.

Department of Anthropology (Universität Zürich)

1 not on display

An anonymous female mummy is held here.

Personal Collections:

Collection E. and M. kofler-Truniger, Luzern

Collection A. Ghertsos, Zürich



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